By Firefighter Wendy Liu
October 31, 2010

Volunteer members of the Sayville Fire Department were very busy teaching fire prevention and household safety during October, which is Fire Prevention Month.
Several volunteers cleared their schedules for the month so that they could meet requests to do dozens of safety presentations for preschool and elementary school students, Scouts and community groups.

Volunteers not only hosted groups at the firehouse, but they also took their show on the road to elementary schools and community groups. Some of the safety issues taught included smoke detectors, plan of escape, not being fearful of firefighters, dialing 911 for help, "stop, drop and roll", "stay low and go", "get out and stay out" and "don't hide-go outside".

Some groups had a special opportunity to go through a "Safety House" made just for them for the purpose of fire and home safety training. Children were given safety talks specific to each of the three rooms in the trailer…the kitchen, family room and bedroom. This "Safety House" also has the ability to simulate a smoke condition in two rooms, where children are taught to feel the door before they open it and to "stay low and go".

Firefighters also spent several hours at the Fall Festival, where families were taught home and fire safety, given safety literature and participated in other fun activities like squirting water from a real fire house and sitting in the fire truck

Sayville Fire Department members believe that their aggressive community outreach efforts have had a positive impact on fire safety in Sayville. Visit fore more fire safety information.